Monday, April 26, 2010

I want sunshine... on this cloudy day.

Dear rain,
Don't get me wrong, most of the time I like you. You water the flowers and things grow beautifully because of you... But when you rain and it's cold out, I want to curl up underneath a blanket and sleep the day away... Which is something I cannot do today because I have
- a research paper to finish

- dress rehersal to attend and
- the student art show to go too.
Please stop raining soon.
Thank you,


Dear sun,
Please start shining and making it warm where I am. It's cold and wet outside and you can atleast make it warmer out. How about a rainbow?
Please try,

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Master of Procrastinating

I can't believe that I'm procrastinating yet again by writing a blog. My blog will probably be updated fairly regularly if only because I want to avoid doing other various tasks.

Because I'm taking a photography class, I'm required to put a photo in the student art show. I wasn't sure what I was going to put in, but then I took the photo that is posted on my blog, and I fell in love with it. This is the un-photoshopped version. I actually think it's quite perfect and needs no photoshopping done to it.

Tomorrow starts the week of dress rehearsal/performances. I'm really looking forward to being on stage again, but at the same time, I'm really looking forward to it being over. I have something called Senioritis.
"Senioritis is a crippling disease that strikes high school seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, an over-excessive wearing of sweatpants, athletic shorts, and sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying and repeated absences. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as Graduation."

Well, back to the research paper.
Ta ta!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Simple things.

It's the simple things in life that can really make you smile.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cough cough.

Starting Monday evening, I have dress rehearsal every day for a play I'm in. The play is called "Cindy and the Godfather" (Cinderella and the Godfather). I'm privileged to be playing Cinderella. I'm super excited!
Unfortunately, yesterday I began to come down with a cold. My voice is pretty much gone, and I'm really achy. I had a fever, but that seems to be gone. Cody, my boyfriend, came over last night to sit with me and watch TV since I wasn't feeling well. He then went into work from 12am-6am without taking a nap before going in. When he got off of work at 6, he dropped off honey (for my tea) and raspberry peaches (one of my favorite foods) for me to eat. He's so sweet :)
On top of dress rehearsal every day next week, I also have a research paper due on Tuesday. Luckily it's due at the beginning of the week because I won't have to worry about getting it done.
I should probably go work on my paper for awhile.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

End of the Semester stress.

In just two short (though seemingly long) weeks, the Spring 2010 semester will be over for me! I can hardly wait. I attend Hagerstown Community College, and this is my third and final semester here because i'm transfering to Liberty University in the fall. I'm a Senior and highschool, but have been taking college classes since my Junior year. The best way to stay unstressed at the end of the semster are to follow these 2 simple rules.

1. Sleep and
2. Drink caffine.

Easy right? VERY!

And now that i'm finished procrastinating, I will begin to edit my research paper. After I check my facebook ;)
Until next time,