I'm suppose to be on an airplane right now. But I'm not. Remember how after the play Cindy and the Godfather I was really sick? Well, whatever I had then, is back. Last time I was sick- this is how it went.
Monday- Friday (April 26th-39th) I was really tired all week.
Saturday (May 1st) I got even more exhausted after the performance.
Sunday- Worst pains I have ever felt in my entire life.
Monday- Started to feel better. Went to the Doctor.
Tuesday- I felt completely better and even went out to dinner with Cody.
And I thought that was that. I went to North Carolina, had fun, and came home. The whole next week I started getting ready for the trip to San Diego. Our flight was May 17th at 9:50am.
On Friday, I began to feel really tired. By Saturday, I felt absolutely exhausted. I didn't sleep much. When I 'woke up' on Sunday I felt absolutely horrible again. I went to church though (assuming it was allergies) and then out to lunch. By the time I got home I felt AWFUL. I just laid down on the couch. Cody came over to sit with me and to tell me to get better... Especially because I was leaving the next day at 5am. Cody left around 4:55 because he had to be at work at 5. We said goodbye and that we would see each other when I got back. I went upstairs and began to pack. After a few minutes, I began to feel weak. I sat on the floor so I could put stuff in the suit case and conserve energy. Mom and Dad came upstairs, saw me, and decided to take me to Urgent Care. I felt dizzy, nauseous, I had a fever and a stiff/sore/swollen next, my spine felt swollen and was very stiff, I had a headache that felt as though it turned into a migraine, my nose was running, my eyes were watery... in fact there wasn't a single area on my body that didn't hurt. I had my blood drawn (which I absolutely HATE having done... it makes me feel even more woozy) After being tested for multiple things including strep throat, they sent my blood to the lab to be tested. 2 hours later I was pulling into the drive way. The doctor was going to call with my lab results as soon as she got them. We found out by 10 that I didn't have mono like she first believed. I had some form of a virus.
Because I was so sick, the doctor told my mom that we should reschedule the trip to San Diego... So that is why I'm writing this blog, when I'm suppose to be on an airplane. We're planning to reschedule the trip for some time in July, but I'm pretty bummed.
And now my writing is ending as I have nothing else to say.
Time to rest and relax and hopefully be all better by tomorrow. I feel really crappy though...