Thursday, October 21, 2010

Life update.

I dyed my hair red : ) I feel as though I should have a fish named flounder and a Crab named Sebastian .

Today I got a surprise : ) 3/4 of my classes ended up being canceled!!! And the one class I had consisted of a test that took 10 minutes. So even though my usual Thursday (classes from 9-5 with a 2 hour break in the middle) ended up ending at 9:30, today has been one of the most stressful days since I've gotten down to LU. I have a HUGE psych test tomorrow that even though I've studied tons for, I feel as though I don't know anything... I have to write and prepare a speech for Tuesday... Also due on Tuesday I have a 10 page paper due... And I hate math and I had to work on a lot of math today.

The more stressed I get, the more I miss Cody. He's my rock and he keeps me sane (which is a difficult task when i'm not stressed much less when I am). Plus it doesn't help that all around campus there are all of these adorable couples.

I have a fever and sore throat... Tomorrow should be really fun.

Good night : )

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cody Michael

Cody and I have been together for over 10 months.
We're adorable together, don'tcha think?

We're always laughing :)

We're really goofy :)

And we love each other a lot :)

Cody, less than 3 weeks until I'm home and can see you :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy 50th Blog to me!

Not that anyone reads this, but oh well :p

Phantom of the Opera is one of my favorite stories/musicals ever...

Top 2 reasons:

1. The music is phenomenal! Gerard Butler, Emma Rossum, and Patrick Wilson are AWESOME.

2. The love is forever lasting. The Phantom's love never dies for Christine and Raoul's love never dies for her either. Even in his old age, you can see the love in his eyes as he visits her grave. The actor's did a spectacular job portraying it.

I saw this in DC at the Kennedy Center live with the traveling Broadway group. SO GOOD!
I must get back to the movie.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life is short

Learn to love.
Learn to laugh.
Learn to live.

Be grateful if you get to see the one's you love everyday.
Don't take hugs for granted.
Never give up an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
Take every chance you get to smile.

Life is too short to do anything different.