Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Update? Yes.

Wow, I just realized that I hadn't updated my blog in awhile. Thank you Anjoli for updating yours. Without you doing so, I would have completely forgotten about blogspot :)

Since I last wrote, there have been some awesome things going on.
1. Cody came down and picked me up to take me home.
2. On said trip home, Cody proposed!!! Woah!
3. So, I'm engaged to marry my best friend in the whole world!
4. I was home again for Thanksgiving break
5. I'm not back at LU for the last 2 weeks of school!
6. Did I mention i'm engaged? I did? Guess I'm just really excited about it.

Pretty ring, huh? : ) I have the best fiance' ever.

So many people are stressed about the end of the school year. I'm happy to report that I am not yet one of them.
I took 5 classes down at Liberty, one of which ended in the middle of November. One final down, four to go! My Communications final is a speech. One thing I like about that is it is up to me how well I do. There's no trick questions or anything! My Bible final is only worth 5% of my final grade. However, we had a test the middle of November that was worth 30% of our grade. So that was more of a final than the real thing! The only two finals I'm worried about is my Math and Psych final. I need to do extremely well to get A's in those classes. But I'm studying like crazy, so there is hope : )

Exactly 14 days (2 weeks) until my lat final, and I can't wait.
15 days until I'm home.

I'm going to finish this semester strong, and hopefully with all A's.
Much love,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Life update.

I dyed my hair red : ) I feel as though I should have a fish named flounder and a Crab named Sebastian .

Today I got a surprise : ) 3/4 of my classes ended up being canceled!!! And the one class I had consisted of a test that took 10 minutes. So even though my usual Thursday (classes from 9-5 with a 2 hour break in the middle) ended up ending at 9:30, today has been one of the most stressful days since I've gotten down to LU. I have a HUGE psych test tomorrow that even though I've studied tons for, I feel as though I don't know anything... I have to write and prepare a speech for Tuesday... Also due on Tuesday I have a 10 page paper due... And I hate math and I had to work on a lot of math today.

The more stressed I get, the more I miss Cody. He's my rock and he keeps me sane (which is a difficult task when i'm not stressed much less when I am). Plus it doesn't help that all around campus there are all of these adorable couples.

I have a fever and sore throat... Tomorrow should be really fun.

Good night : )

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cody Michael

Cody and I have been together for over 10 months.
We're adorable together, don'tcha think?

We're always laughing :)

We're really goofy :)

And we love each other a lot :)

Cody, less than 3 weeks until I'm home and can see you :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy 50th Blog to me!

Not that anyone reads this, but oh well :p

Phantom of the Opera is one of my favorite stories/musicals ever...

Top 2 reasons:

1. The music is phenomenal! Gerard Butler, Emma Rossum, and Patrick Wilson are AWESOME.

2. The love is forever lasting. The Phantom's love never dies for Christine and Raoul's love never dies for her either. Even in his old age, you can see the love in his eyes as he visits her grave. The actor's did a spectacular job portraying it.

I saw this in DC at the Kennedy Center live with the traveling Broadway group. SO GOOD!
I must get back to the movie.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life is short

Learn to love.
Learn to laugh.
Learn to live.

Be grateful if you get to see the one's you love everyday.
Don't take hugs for granted.
Never give up an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
Take every chance you get to smile.

Life is too short to do anything different.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Graphic Design!

It has come to my attention as of late, that I absolutely love graphic design.
I love being creative and I love photoshop/illustrator... ect.
I think I'm going to major in Graphic design. Since I have most of my Gen. Ed. classes done, almost all of the classes I have left are graphic design/art courses. So it'll be fun : D
Just trying to update my life a bit.
Becca Mae

Friday, September 24, 2010

Here's today soap box...

Credit wise, I am a freshman, yes, but, all throughout my Junior and Senior year I took a college class or two a semester (I have 22 credits all ready.) Here's a fact that will apply to college freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year... IT'S TOUGH! Yes, you may have 4 tests in one week... even on the same day! But that's just college. This is no longer highschool. You don't get points for trying, and there is very rarely extra credit. You can't just go gallivanting around and put off all your work until the night before. College is difficult and can be time consuming.



Thursday, September 23, 2010


Who has time to watch a movie anymore? Not me! Here's a collections of movies that are done in 5 seconds!
(well, 5ish seconds :p)

The Lion King done in 5 seconds

Lord of the Rings: The return of the Kind in 5 seconds

Titanic in 5 seconds

Spiderman in 5 seconds

Narnia in 5 seconds

Back to the Future in 5 seconds

The Dark Knight in 5 seconds

All the Star Wars movies in 5 seconds


Saturday, September 18, 2010

What is college?

A time to test boundaries and limitations.
A chance to grow and learn from mistakes.
A point in life where you begin to see a more clear picture of who you are.
Just saying.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My review of the Pumpkin spice latte

Today outside, it feels absolutely lovely! I walked from my dorm up the Starbucks on campus in the nice cool air. Once I arrived at Starbucks, I looked up at the board, and there was a sign for the pumpkin spice latte. Of course, I had to get one. OH MY GOODNESS! It is amazing. It's literally Autumn in a cup of amazing. If you like lattes and want to try something different and yummy... GET ONE! It's great. And by the way, if you get whipped cream on it, it taste like pumpkin pie.
That is all :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Remembering September 11th, 2001.

"The planes were hijacked, the buildings fell, and thousands of lives were lost... But the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an attack on the heart of America.
And standing here in the heartland of America, we say in one voice:

'We will not give in to terrorists;
We will not rest until they are found and defeated;
We will win this struggle not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom, and for peace;
So help us God.'"
- Tom Harkin.

I was 9 years old on the day the trade towers fell, but I remember the events that happened that day quite clearly... I remember doing Math problems when my mother got a phone call from the next store neighbor telling us to turn on the television. I remember seeing the second plane hit the tower... I remember seeing people jump from the buildings before the towers collapsed. I remember the building falling down, and seeing people literally having to run for their lives. I remember in the days to follow as America cried out to God.
In the AOA play this year, the beginning was all about September 11th. And one of my favorite quotes is, "God did not strike against America. He only took away his hand of protection for a moment. And the two planes struck their targets!"

Tomorrow, please remember the people who gave their lives to save others

My wonderful weekend of fun.

To do list for the weekend

For Communications:
- Go over power points
- Study for Test

For Psychology:
- Read chapter 2
- Study “in class notes” for quiz
- Read chapter 3
- Study chapters 1-3 for test.

For NT Bible:javascript:void(0)
- Luke questions
- John summaries

For GNED 101:
- Study Chapter one
- Learn fallacies

For Math 115:
- Go Over chapter 2
- Go over beginning of chapter 3
- Do My mathlab homework

That's just stuff for this next week that has to be done. Since I'll be home next weekend, I have to work extra hard this week so I don't have to do homework and can enjoy my time off.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Over the last six days, I have had 4 nightmares about various fears. I don't know why. Weren't nightmares suppose to end by the time I was a teenager? All I know is I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. However, I have begun to figure out ways to keep myself amused when waking up at 4 in the morning. I will now share my knowledge with you :)

Three things to do after you have a nightmare and can't sleep : )

1. This first one may be difficult for some of you, but if you have a sense of humor... This will be easy! Think about the dream from beginning to end. Add humor! If there's a bad guy chasing you, have him fall in a big pile of horse poop. As he's running, have him start sneezing uncontrollably and then fall over a bridge because he can't see where he's going. Have the cookie monster jump out from behind the tree and start chasing him! Ha, sucker.

2. Keep colored pencils... crayons.. markers and paper by your bed. When you can't get back to sleep because of a bad dream you can color! Call me crazy, but it works. I tend to draw really silly pictures which makes me feel better. This one time after I drew a picture of a barn and a cow, I had a dream that I lived on a dairy farm. I dreamed my drawing : ) So draw happy!

3. If you have a night stand by your bed, keep a book there! Or if you're on a lofted bed like I am, keep a book under your pillow. Make sure the book is really silly : ) If it's something you serious, your mind might try to analyze it and not let you go to sleep.

And I am now done rambling :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cody visited :D

Cody came down to LU this past weekend! And Woah! We had a ton of fun :) What did we do, you may ask. Well, we didn't do much :) We ate yummy food, hung out and talked, and did Laundry.
It was great to see him! I've missed him... and his hugs.
To any of you who are in a relationship is that isn't long distance... BE THANKFUL!
It can be pretty difficult... But I know that in Cody and I's case... It is also definitely worth it :)
He brought down a care package that my mother gave to him to give to me..
mmmmmm.. Pretzel M&Ms, cherrio M&M cookies, soup, and everything I asked her to send me.... Thanks Mom!
And he brought down a care package from his mom too!
Mmmm. Those warm delight cakes that you make in a microwave in like 30 seconds are actually really good... and pudding is awesome... As well as some other random things :)
And Cody brought me down a shirt of his (I've worn it a few times at his house for various reasons. One of the reasons is that Cody's family and I all got in a water gun... silly string... anything really fight. My shirt was soaked so I used one of his... the one he brought down for me : )) And he brought me a really pretty silver necklace for me to put his ring on so I can wear it around my neck : ) My boyfriend is the best. ever. Just saying.

We're cute, huh? : )

The pretty necklace : )

Back to homework... bleh.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I should be sleeping.

I guess I'm a light sleeper, I don't know. But I go to bed around 11:30 almost every night. I really need to stay up just a half hour more because at 12am the RA's check every room to make sure everyone is in the dorm at curfew... and every single time that door opens at 12am, I wake up. It's 12:45 and I just picked up my computer so I could write it down. After all, my blog is more of a record of things that happen to me than a thought provoking blog.

Oh, and here's my tip for the day:
Don't lose your keys...
remember to take them with you everywhere
so you don't wake people up when you're banging on the door. That is all.
Good night
Becca :)

One sheep.... two sheep... three sheep... four sheep... five sheep... six sheep... seven sheep... eight sheep... Aw, who am I kidding? This didn't work when I was 5. Why would it work now?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The first 11 days... with a soap box.

Well, I made it through freshman orientation and my first week of classes! Wow! I have tons of thoughts on the whole experience so far. I will try to articulate them as best I can.

Things I have learned since arriving on campus:
- Starbucks raspberry smoothies make me sick. I didn't feel well the entire day.
- Math, that I thought would be my hardest class, is actually, my easiest class.
- Liberty is MUCH harder than HCC (I kinda all ready knew that before showing up, but now it's official)
- The Starbucks on campus participates in FRAPPY HOUR! So from 4-6 fraps are 15% off. If I want a frappichino, I get to
show great self restraint to wait until 4pm.
- I really don't like being away from Cody (No, that is not the only reason that I am bitter towards Liberty. I just really don't
want to be here.)
- I don't like having more than 30 people in a class. My Bible class has 550 people... Psych has 200... GNED had 250... I
mean, seriously?

Before I even showed up for Freshman orientation, I knew it was going to be a waste of time... It was. I walked in and for some reason, I was put in the international oriental group. So I was in there with a bunch of asians. I tried to make friends, but they didn't speak very good English and it was difficult. I still don't know how I ended up in the international group. MARYLAND IS ONLY 3.5 HOURS AWAY!

Class started on Monday. On MWF I have math from 8:50-9:40 and convo from 10-11... And that's it. It's such a nice day to catch up on all of my homework for Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday and Thursday I have GNED 101 from 9:15-10:30... NT Bible from 10:50-12:05... Psychology 101 from 2-3:15... and Communications 101 from 3:35- 4:50.
I originally put my schedule like that because I wanted to be able to get out early one Friday's because my adopted brother Jon is marrying my friend Sara on a Saturday in September and I want to be able to leave as early on Friday as possible to get home. But now that my schedule is set up like this... I really like it! My TR go by so quickly and my MWF are filled with free time that this whole past week I have filled with homework/reading and some socializing :)

In convo on Friday, something happened that really made me angry and I'm still not over it. It's going to be my soap box for awhile. The speaker talked about dating. Okay, fine, whatever. That's not what bugged me. Let me try to quote him a few different times.
"How many of you guys see an attractive girl on campus that you would like to get to know better? Okay, all of you guys raised a hand... now, think of that girl... Is she dating anyone? WHO CARES! If the guy doesn't have the integrity to propose to that beautiful girl you have your eye on, they she's fair game."
Liberty has this saying "Ring before Spring" and it pretty much means, meet the love of your life, and ask her to marry you before spring. I hate that. Guys are forward enough as it is, they don't need someone telling them to basically rush into a relationship/marriage.
The speaker told us the story of how he met his face. She was dating another guy and he asked her out and went after her for 3 months until she agreed to go out with him. Now they're married. Okay, cool, it worked for him.
First of all, it is NEVER... EVER... EVER!!!! okay to try and steal a girl from her boyfriend. Never. Even if a guy tried that, I think the girl would automatically think that the guy wasn't respectful because of what he was trying to do.
He said that every guy that day should go ask out a girl. A girl yelled" whoohoo" from the audience and the guy put the camera on her and said "Which one of you guys is taking this girl out tonight?" A guy who was on the other side of the Vines center stood up and yelled "ME" The speaker paid for their first day because they were the first to obey what he said.
I'm sorry, but Liberty is a college and not a dating service.
I really... really... really don't like Liberty at the moment. I think that was the most repulsive thing that anyone could have said in convo (in case I didn't clarify is, convo is chapel.... DURING CHAPEL IS NOT THE TIME TO FIND A DATE.

I know I'm over reacting somewhat over the whole thing that happened at convo, but I feel like the entire thing was rude. I don't want to come back here next semester. I want my first semester to be my last one here.
I don't need a college for a dating service.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I've moved in!

I'm officially down at LU! It's great so far :)
My roommates are nice, and I have all of my things organized and put away... mostly.
Classes start next week, but I think they'll be fun. I hope.

I think the picture says it all....

I miss MD though. Especially Cody.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wanna write me letters?

Hey everyone!
Wow! It's almost here. On Tuesday I leave for LU! If you ever wanted to write me a letter instead of just putting something on my facebook wall... here's my address:

Rebecca Heller
MSC Box 30199
Liberty University
P.O. Box 20,000
Lynchburg, VA 24506-8001

That's for letters :)

And I have a separate address for things sent by UPS/Fed Ex. It would be:

Rebecca Heller
MSC Box 30199
1971 University Blvd
Lynchburg, VA 24502

That's all :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I'm currently at VA Beach with the family. It's pretty cool : )
On facebook, I was just tagged in a note. It was one of those, "If you're tagged, come up with 25 things about yourself." So, I decided to post it on here.

1. I love the beach. I love when the waves make me bob up and down. I love being able to lay in the sun. However, I don't like that I feel very sandy and dirty afterwords.

2. I use to hate sun dresses/cute skirts. Now I go out of my way to look for them so I can buy them.

3. I have an awesome teddy bear named uncle bear.

4. I got sunburned today. Especially my legs, back, and neck/chest.

5. My boyfriend Cody is the most amazing person in the entire world. He treats me like a queen and tells me every day how much I mean to him. I'm extremely lucky and he is most definitely my best guy friend in the entire world.

6. I have 5 silly bands on my left arm. They are the letters M M D J C. M is for Mae (my middle name), the other M is for Mom, D is for Dad, J is for my brother Jon, and C is, obviously, for Cody :)

7. On my right arm, I always have a hair tie, a bracelet that Becca C made me, and a bracelet that Cody made me : )

8. I'm currently sipping on some Dunkin' Donuts coffee even though it's past 11pm.

9. I think it would be really awesome to one day own a coffee shop.

10. I was homeschooled my entire life.

11. I've all ready run out of things to say.

12. Tomorrow I'm getting up at 8:30 and leaving at 9 for busch gardens.

13. Tuesday is my favorite day of the week! I love quality time with Cody day.

14. My hair is naturally straight, but I have a beach wave perm, so it's curly :D

15. I will never ever ever smoke.

16. It's 11:11. To bad I don't need to make a wish because my life is all ready awesome.

17. I will probably fall asleep as soon as I'm done writing this even though I've been drinking coffee.

18. Even though I'm on vacation, I feel as though I'll probably need a vacation to rest after this one. Weird, huh?

19. I miss my best friend Shannon very much. Both our schedules are VERY busy and I never get to see her anymore. Hopefully that will change soon : )

20. I just bought a song by Phil Vassar on itunes : )

21. One of my favorite preachers is Loui Giglio. In fact, I'm currently also downloading some of his podcasts.

22. I absolutely love my mac book pro :D

23. I'm buying a new camera this month.

24. I want to get a tattoo.

25. I'm finally done, and now I am going to bed.

Good night all : )

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Communication is key.

Many people ask me various questions about problems that are happening in their life. In fact, most of the questions that I was asked were questions about relationships [Funny, huh? Especially because I wasn't even in my first relationship until... It'll be 7 months on Wednesday actually]

If you were to ask me 'What is the most important thing in a relationship?' I would without a doubt reply communication. Good communication not only can work out problems in the relationship, but also avoid some problems all together.

So talk. Now If your a girl, talking shouldn't be a problem. But also take time to listen. Communication is a two way street

Aaaaaand that would be my random thought for the night.
As always,

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Aren't they pretty??? :)
Happy 4th of July everyone! I hope it's great!

Friday, July 2, 2010

iPod touch!!!!!!!!!

I got my iPod touch on Wednesday!!!I'm actually using it to post this blog right now (so it's going to ge a short one).

Another week of work is almost over. I'm really enjoying it. I'm sure I'll like it even more when I get my paycheck :D

Anyways, I'm going back to bed. I woke up at 6:40 and haven't been able to sleep... So I figured that I'd update my life on my blog.

Oooooh! It'sp 4th of July weekend! Cody are going to fireworks tonight! I'm really looking forward too it.

Until next time,

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I graduated today...

I graduated today from high school. I'm no longer home schooled. I've been home schooled my entire life, and now I'm not. I had the honor of giving the student address today. I honestly think it went pretty well.
During the entire graduation I felt fine... Until the last words for the graduation were "I present to you the class of 2010!" and then I though, "I'm no longer home schooled. I am out of high school." I started drying as pomp and circumstance was being played as we exited the auditorium. Today is a HUGE milestone on my life and I'm not sure what to do next. I mean, I'm obvious going to Liberty, but... I'm out of high school. I don't care if I sound like a broken record. I'll say it again. I'm out of high school! It's a very odd feeling.
I ordered my macbook pro and ipod touch this morning. It's my parents graduation gift to me :)
I think I'm going to take a nap because I'm rather exhausted.
The graduate,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Unconditional Love

What is unconditional love?

Unconditional means no matter what, always, never ceasing, forever, not limited.

Love is a strong attraction to another... to hold dear... to cherish. Love must include care and concern, appreciation, and countless other qualities.

By putting unconditional and love together, you get the most beautiful thing in the world.

Unconditional love doesn't mean,
"I love you even though you have flaws."
It's saying,
"I love you... all of you... I even love your flaws."
It's not just,
"I love you when everything is perfect and we're both happy."
It's saying,
"I love you when I'm upset...even if I'm upset with you. I love you if I'm having a bad day... I love you when you're upset or when you're in a bad mood... or having a bad day."

Unconditional love is putting the other person's needs before your own... making sure the other person is happy. Even if you have to sacrifice your own.

I use to think it must be impossible to love someone unconditionally... but I don't anymore :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer orientation was today!

The Monogram ↑
The vines center (convo) ↑
Demoss ↑
(4/5 classes are there)

Took some pics... there they are :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

67 days...

----- In 67 days, I'll be heading down to Liberty University for college. The picture below is a map of the center of campus. (To view the map larger, click it)

----- The red spot is my dorm... dorm 3! All of the buildings above it (↑) are also dorms, but they have farther walks to everything. So I have the closest dorm to the center of campus.

----- The blue spot is the vines center. In there is a basketball court. It's where all of the concerts that LU hosts are as well. And of course, that's where convo is on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

----- Notice that there are 2 gold spots. The bigger one is Demoss. 4/5 of my classes that I'm taking this semester are in there. My other class is the smaller gold spot.

----- So so far, I'm VERY close to where I have to be 3 times a week for convo, and i'm also close to all of my classes. Can the amazingness continue? YES

----- The last, but definitely not lease, is the green one. That spot is the ROT (aka the dining hall.) Now I know that is looks like I'm on one side of campus and the ROT is on the other, but this is only a small portion of the campus map. The campus of LU is HUGE. So I really am extremely close to the dining hall.

I'm heading down for Summer Orientation today.
I'll take a lot of photos and post them later.
Becca :)

P.s. To view the full campus map go here -

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Best friends since age 6!

So this right here... is my bestest friend ever: Shannon. I've known her since I was 6 years old. We use to play 'orphans' and go out into the woods trying to build a home where we could live so we didn't have to stay at the evil lady at the orphanage.

Now, 12 years later, we're still close. Unfortunately, because of school and work, we don't get to hang out much.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Old memories.

I was going through some old pictures and I found this. It's my dad and brother...
No Jon is not mentally retarded :D

Monday, May 31, 2010

Boonsboro Carnival!!!

Yesterday was a GREAT day!

I went to CiCi's with Allie. I haven't seen her since the last performance of Cinderella... But luckily we were able to meet up. Allie is one of my oldest friends; I've know her since I was 6. It was good to catch up on the past month.

Yesterday evening, Cody and I went to see Letters to Juliet. No, I didn't drag him to see it. He likes chick flicks (I'm lucky!) It was really good! It was a really good date night movies.

The 'Great Boonsboro Carnival' is in town this week :D So after the movie, Cody and I went there to walk around. I absolutely LOVE the atmosphere. The pretty lights, the smell of funnle cakes, the smile on the little kids who get off a ride... It's fun :)

We ran into Jon, Kenny, and Kenny's girlfriend while we were there... hahaha they look silly.

And here's just another awesome picture from last night :)

Have a jolly good day!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Time to update!

On Wednesday, Becca, Cody, and I went to Nutters and then to Burnside bridge at Antietam Battlefield. Except for the many gnats, it was TONS of fun :)

We had sword fights!

And hugs.

And an all around good time :)

Also on Wednesday, one of my best friends, Kendra, graduated from highschool. I'm so proud of her. She's finally done and now plans to attend Mountain State univ.While I was at Kendra's graduation, there was a really pretty sun set, I tried to capture it, but there were power lines in the way. I walked across the street into the cemetery to take the photo. I really like the grave stones in the photo.

There, I've now updated my blog :)
Have a fabulous evening!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friends are my world.

(Left to right: Cody, Chris, Meghan, Becca.)
I went to the park today! I had so much fun. It was Myself, Becca, Cody, Chris, Meghan, TJ, Danielle, Oliver, and Porter. We also went to Rita's! It was yummy.
Now Becca is over here at my house. We went to Krumpe's donuts and we're now watching Avatar! :D

Good night beautiful world.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Summer goals!

I have less than 3 months of summer left. There are a few things I want to do. Obviously, hanging out with friends is my number #1 goal. While hanging out with friends, I want to take pictures. I want these memories to last. I want to take a picture with every single one of my friends. While I'm at Liberty, I decided that I want to put up a bunch of pictures on the wall near my bed. Another thing I plan to do this summer is go to Highrock. I absolutely LOVE Highrock. I want to go up for sunset and take pictures. It's purdy. I plan to stay up a few nights just talking to my closest friends and making even more memories. A camping trip! I want me and my closest friends to go camping. Just at greenbrier, but a chance to again, hang out and make more memories.

This summer is going to be great :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Since i'm sickish, I'm not really up to going anywhere. I ran an errand with Mom this morning, and that took a LOT out of me. So since I'm stuck at home, I'm really bored with nothing to do. I don't want to watch anything on TV or a movie because that's what I've been doing the past few days. I'm sick of looking at the computer screen. I would read, but I've got a head ache and that makes it worse. I've tried to sleep, but I can't even do that at night.
And there's my rant for the day,

Monday, May 17, 2010


I'm suppose to be on an airplane right now. But I'm not. Remember how after the play Cindy and the Godfather I was really sick? Well, whatever I had then, is back. Last time I was sick- this is how it went.

Monday- Friday (April 26th-39th) I was really tired all week.
Saturday (May 1st) I got even more exhausted after the performance.
Sunday- Worst pains I have ever felt in my entire life.
Monday- Started to feel better. Went to the Doctor.
Tuesday- I felt completely better and even went out to dinner with Cody.

And I thought that was that. I went to North Carolina, had fun, and came home. The whole next week I started getting ready for the trip to San Diego. Our flight was May 17th at 9:50am.

On Friday, I began to feel really tired. By Saturday, I felt absolutely exhausted. I didn't sleep much. When I 'woke up' on Sunday I felt absolutely horrible again. I went to church though (assuming it was allergies) and then out to lunch. By the time I got home I felt AWFUL. I just laid down on the couch. Cody came over to sit with me and to tell me to get better... Especially because I was leaving the next day at 5am. Cody left around 4:55 because he had to be at work at 5. We said goodbye and that we would see each other when I got back. I went upstairs and began to pack. After a few minutes, I began to feel weak. I sat on the floor so I could put stuff in the suit case and conserve energy. Mom and Dad came upstairs, saw me, and decided to take me to Urgent Care. I felt dizzy, nauseous, I had a fever and a stiff/sore/swollen next, my spine felt swollen and was very stiff, I had a headache that felt as though it turned into a migraine, my nose was running, my eyes were watery... in fact there wasn't a single area on my body that didn't hurt. I had my blood drawn (which I absolutely HATE having done... it makes me feel even more woozy) After being tested for multiple things including strep throat, they sent my blood to the lab to be tested. 2 hours later I was pulling into the drive way. The doctor was going to call with my lab results as soon as she got them. We found out by 10 that I didn't have mono like she first believed. I had some form of a virus.
Because I was so sick, the doctor told my mom that we should reschedule the trip to San Diego... So that is why I'm writing this blog, when I'm suppose to be on an airplane. We're planning to reschedule the trip for some time in July, but I'm pretty bummed.
And now my writing is ending as I have nothing else to say.
Time to rest and relax and hopefully be all better by tomorrow. I feel really crappy though...

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Last night was Prom. I had SO much fun!!!

I went with Cody.

I met up with Becca.

Hung out with YROCers.

(Left to right: Beka, Caitlin, Carina, Brooke, Becky, Haven, and Charles. Seth and Patrick were also there, just not in the picture.)

I have amazing friends and an awesome boyfriend.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Becca and Becca.

One of my best friend's and I share the same first and middle name: Becca Mae. On Monday, Becca and I met at Hagerstown City Park to walk around and talk for awhile. I, of course, brought my camera with me so I could take pictures of our adventure.

She chased a few ducks/geese that day, and this one is my favorite shot of her doing so :)

Cowden, you're a truly unique person who is beautiful inside and out. I love you dearly.

We'll always been friends... even when we're far away from each other :)


Monday, May 10, 2010

He did it!

Jon graduated! I had to sit there for 2 and a half hours for a moment moment that lasted 5 seconds, but it was worth it. Congratulations Jon! :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Today Jon took us on a hike at Hebron Rock Colony Falls. Imagine a river that goes down a hill (kind of like a water fall, but it has rock all underneath) and in this river there are HUGE boulders that you have to climb over in order to hike. When you get really close to the top there's a big poll of water because of beaver dams. It's really cool! I'll post pictures later :) Unfortunately mom fell and did a split and is now in a lot of pain.
Since arriving in Boone, I haven't had a decent cup of coffee. I tried some of the coffee at the free continental breakfast at our hotel... It didn't taste that delicious. I also had a raspberry mocah later and it wasn't that great. I'm pretty sure she burn the milk when she steamed it and the shot was way to bitter. Oh well.
I'm still really full from lunch. We went to a place called "The three amigos." I had chicken and cheese quesedillas. That was at 3 and now 5 hours later at 8 o'clock I'm still full. At 9:15 we're meeting Jon and some of his friends at Ruby Tuesdays for dessert. I'm kinda sorta very much so looking forward to this. I want to sugar to help me stay awake.
I was fortunate enough to be able to talk to Cody for a few minutes last night/this afternoon for about 5 minutes. This weekend he's at Aquire the Fire in Baltimore. It's really nice that we're both out of town the same weekend instead of two separate weekends.
And now I'm heading to Jon's apartment.

Friday, May 7, 2010

North Carolina!

I'm laying here on my bed in the hotel in North Carolina. After the 6 hour car ride me and my family are finally here. Unfortunately, mom has a head ache and wants to take a nap before we go to see Jon. Luckily for me, she brought her lap top and the hotel has free wi-fi.
My brother's best friend McConnell came down to see Jon as well. They're both at Jon's apartment waiting for us to get there.
I think tonight's plans are going out to eat with Jon's roommate (David) and his family. After that we're doing something that I believe Jon called an "Art Crawl." There is a street in the good ol' town of Boone that is pretty much all art galleries, and every Friday they open their doors to everyone. You start at one end and visit all of the art galleries and buy art if you wish to do so (and if it is on sale). The turn out is apparently pretty good. However, I think most people go for the free food and alcohol.
The hotel bed is hard and not very comfortable... Maybe it will grow softer the more tired I become.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

51 days!

Today, Mom and I went out and ordered my graduation announcements. I can't believe that in 51 days I'll be done with high school forever! Actually, I'll be done before then, but that's when graduation is. Life goes by so quickly... It seems like just last summer me and my family were getting ready to send my brother off to college, but it was really four years ago... And now he graduates from Appalachian State University on Sunday (Mother's day).
I have four years of college to figure out exactly what I want to do with my life... Actually, I have two before I have to pick a major. I have no idea what I want to be when I 'grow up.' I know I want to get married and have kids... but beyond that, I don't know. Maybe I'll figure it out soon :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dumb Doctor

The Doctor said, "Drink fluids, you'll be fine, see you!" I was literally there two minutes. Such a waste of time/money. Luckily, I'm feeling better. My throat is still a little bit raw, and my ear aches a little bit, but I'm able to move around and I'm beginning to be able to eat a little bit again. My mom took really good care of me. She got me whatever I needed and stayed by my side :)

Cody was truly wonderful and came over to check on me a few times. He wouldn't leave my side for hours at a time. We sat on the couch (well, he sat, I was laying down) and watched LOST. He would fetch me whatever I needed. He even brought me a dozen pink roses to cheer me up :)

I'm officially done with finals at HCC! I think I got an A in photography, and a B in English. I'm content with both of those grades :) Only 110 days until classes start at Liberty University! I can't believe how quickly that it is approaching.

Since I'm graduation highschool, my parents are buying me a lap top... but not just any laptop... A MAC! I'm getting a macbook pro. I'm really excited. We're not ordering it until we get a free ipod with purchase (every year at the 'back to school' time, they do that as a promotion).

I'm off to get some more rest,

P.s. Niquil is my friend :D

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cinderella is sick!

The performance of Cindy and the Godfather went really well! The dress rehearsals we had on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday really helped. Unfortunately, on Monday I began to get a sore throat. I drank tea with honey (thank you for the honey, Cody) and tried to limit my talking. However, when I was on stage, I pushed myself to be the loudest and to really try to be in character. I felt so bleh every night. The performance started Thursday. I began to feel sicker and sicker, but I refused to let anyone know... Sadly, I woke up Sunday with no voice, and completely sore and unable to move... I shouldn't have pushed myself as hard as I did.
I have a doctor's appointment in a half hour... Guess I should leave. Here's hoping I get better.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I want sunshine... on this cloudy day.

Dear rain,
Don't get me wrong, most of the time I like you. You water the flowers and things grow beautifully because of you... But when you rain and it's cold out, I want to curl up underneath a blanket and sleep the day away... Which is something I cannot do today because I have
- a research paper to finish

- dress rehersal to attend and
- the student art show to go too.
Please stop raining soon.
Thank you,


Dear sun,
Please start shining and making it warm where I am. It's cold and wet outside and you can atleast make it warmer out. How about a rainbow?
Please try,

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Master of Procrastinating

I can't believe that I'm procrastinating yet again by writing a blog. My blog will probably be updated fairly regularly if only because I want to avoid doing other various tasks.

Because I'm taking a photography class, I'm required to put a photo in the student art show. I wasn't sure what I was going to put in, but then I took the photo that is posted on my blog, and I fell in love with it. This is the un-photoshopped version. I actually think it's quite perfect and needs no photoshopping done to it.

Tomorrow starts the week of dress rehearsal/performances. I'm really looking forward to being on stage again, but at the same time, I'm really looking forward to it being over. I have something called Senioritis.
"Senioritis is a crippling disease that strikes high school seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, an over-excessive wearing of sweatpants, athletic shorts, and sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying and repeated absences. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as Graduation."

Well, back to the research paper.
Ta ta!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Simple things.

It's the simple things in life that can really make you smile.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cough cough.

Starting Monday evening, I have dress rehearsal every day for a play I'm in. The play is called "Cindy and the Godfather" (Cinderella and the Godfather). I'm privileged to be playing Cinderella. I'm super excited!
Unfortunately, yesterday I began to come down with a cold. My voice is pretty much gone, and I'm really achy. I had a fever, but that seems to be gone. Cody, my boyfriend, came over last night to sit with me and watch TV since I wasn't feeling well. He then went into work from 12am-6am without taking a nap before going in. When he got off of work at 6, he dropped off honey (for my tea) and raspberry peaches (one of my favorite foods) for me to eat. He's so sweet :)
On top of dress rehearsal every day next week, I also have a research paper due on Tuesday. Luckily it's due at the beginning of the week because I won't have to worry about getting it done.
I should probably go work on my paper for awhile.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

End of the Semester stress.

In just two short (though seemingly long) weeks, the Spring 2010 semester will be over for me! I can hardly wait. I attend Hagerstown Community College, and this is my third and final semester here because i'm transfering to Liberty University in the fall. I'm a Senior and highschool, but have been taking college classes since my Junior year. The best way to stay unstressed at the end of the semster are to follow these 2 simple rules.

1. Sleep and
2. Drink caffine.

Easy right? VERY!

And now that i'm finished procrastinating, I will begin to edit my research paper. After I check my facebook ;)
Until next time,