Saturday, June 26, 2010

I graduated today...

I graduated today from high school. I'm no longer home schooled. I've been home schooled my entire life, and now I'm not. I had the honor of giving the student address today. I honestly think it went pretty well.
During the entire graduation I felt fine... Until the last words for the graduation were "I present to you the class of 2010!" and then I though, "I'm no longer home schooled. I am out of high school." I started drying as pomp and circumstance was being played as we exited the auditorium. Today is a HUGE milestone on my life and I'm not sure what to do next. I mean, I'm obvious going to Liberty, but... I'm out of high school. I don't care if I sound like a broken record. I'll say it again. I'm out of high school! It's a very odd feeling.
I ordered my macbook pro and ipod touch this morning. It's my parents graduation gift to me :)
I think I'm going to take a nap because I'm rather exhausted.
The graduate,

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